Passage is a new work of art, an art installation in nature; an open sky gallery.
"Passage... the act of moving from one place to another; Passage, when in hard times, the decision to cross an obstacle; Passage, a main road with intersections, crossings, side roads that lead to an enclave. "
"Passage is the sum of everything I've done, the body of art I've created so far. I went through my archives in the studio, and pick up elements and details in my paintings, sculptures and installations. My creative work is based on my memories, what I have seen, what I observed in my everyday life and what I have found or amassed over time.
I have extracted from pictorial works, details and coloured masses and highlighted them in 3D. To create thus, solid volumes in a visual field, inhabited by the trees in the forest. Each structure has its reason and its origin; it is the link with the pictorial work.
My objective in constructing art works in the forest is to deepen the site, to create surprise, to direct the glance. It also means adding something to the forest, giving it a scale of grandeur. The walker is directed in the site and his glance is directed towards the artistic work integrating nature with the trees and the soil.
This path in the forest is also the passage of light into my body of work. The path is also the passage between the work of nature and the work of art. The metallic forms and the path is the artist's obliged passage.
I wanted to create something larger than nature. The forest behind my house gave me that opportunity."
Name Passage
of the project
Location Bourget, Ontario | Canada
Achievement 2020-2022
Status Travail en cours
Dimensions 600 meters | 17 sculptural installations | 10 sculptures